Pictured L-R: Pictured L-R: Adam Cantor, Houston, TX (2nd Place), Momo Kimura, Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan (1st Place), and Mikey Bilello, Bend, OR (3rd Place)
Date: September 14, 2023 Time: 8:08 p.m.
Contest Name: 2023 International Finger Style Guitar Championship
Champion: Momo Kimura
City/State/Zip: Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan
Prize Instrument Selected: Bourgeois Finger Style Custom Guitar – Bourgeois Guitars, Inc. 2 Cedar Street, Lewiston, ME 04240 (207) 786-0385 bourgeoisguitars.com
2nd Place: Adam Cantor
City/State/Zip: Houston, TX
Prize Instrument Selected: Taylor 814-ce Grand Concert – Taylor Guitars, Inc. 1980 Gillespie Way, El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 258-1207 taylorguitars.com
3rd Place: Mikey Bilello
City/State/Zip: Bend, OR
Prize Instrument Selected: Huss & Dalton Winfield Competition Model FS Guitar Huss & Dalton Guitar Co., Inc. 420 Bridge St, Staunton, VA 24401-4508 (540) 887-2313 hussanddalton.com
Runners up: Jimmy Dehenau, East China, MI, Roger Hudson, Jacksonville, FL, and Patrick Woods, Warsaw, IN.
31 contestants from 18 states and 2 countries (Japan and USA).