24wksp1 Tina Bergmann – Syncopation & Rhythmic Tomfoolery for Hammer Dulcimer


Wed. Sept 18th     9:15a – 3:30p     Please come early enough to tune and start on time

If you’ve ever felt your playing is flat or lacking in expression it’s likely you’re missing basic metric accents.  A large part of music’s pulse and drive are metric accents, and understanding them takes music that is dynamically monotone and makes it conversational.

15 in stock



Wed. Sept 18th     9:15a – 3:30p     Please come early enough to tune and start on time

If you’ve ever felt your playing is flat or lacking in expression it’s likely you’re missing basic metric accents.  A large part of music’s pulse and drive are metric accents, and understanding them takes music that is dynamically monotone and makes it conversational. Once we play around with pulse in a few different meters and practice them with both exercises and practical application, we can branch off into different types of syncopation, and we’ll learn several tunes that bring it all together in fun and satisfying ways. The beauty of this work is that it vastly improves every single piece of music you play, regardless of the genre.

24wksp1 Tina Bergmann – Syncopation & Rhythmic Tomfoolery for Hammer Dulcimer

Office Hours


9am-Noon; 1pm to 5pm